Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong (shadesong) wrote,
Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong

  • Music:

*flops over*

Am home. Appreciate the checking-in phone calls but due to the noise of the fans and A/C, it's a choice between hearing you and being in a room under 100 degrees, and you don't want to push me to make that choice.

First day of training went well, with only one potentially triggery moment. Said triggery moment, a reenactment of an interview of serial rapist "Frank" by Dr. David Lisak, was defused for me by the fact that the guy they got to do "Frank"'s voice sounded pretty much exactly like Jason Dohring, causing my brain to go "...Logan?" Day was complicated by a few too many team-building exercises and the fact that I kept nearly nodding off - poor sleep last night and only one cup of coffee today. And no nap.

So my coping method tonight = cool bath and reading myself to sleep.

Toe is purpler now, btw.

And who authorized it to be motherfucker degrees Fahrenheit? I disapprove.

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