Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong (shadesong) wrote,
Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong

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Damn cat ate my plum!

I am not really a fruit person - but I bought some plums and a pear yesterday just to see if I'd like 'em. Got home, nestled them in the fruit bowl with Elayna's bananas, and went about my business.

I just found a plum in my bed.

Claw-pierced, half-gnawed - like the damn cat thought it was a ball. I don't know why he went into the fruit bowl. He never has before. Adam suggests that he was bringing the plum to me - breakfast in bed - and I do remember him jumping up on the bed in the wee hours, then doing his foot-attack mama-get-up! routine, but I'm pretty sure I kicked him in the head.

At least it wasn't a chipmunk.

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