Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong (shadesong) wrote,
Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong

  • Mood:

Life with 'song and Adam

'song: "Can you start a load of laundry? I am not confident in my stair-ability." (laundry room is in the basement.)

Adam: "What's wrong with your stare-ability? You're staring at me right now."

'song: *stands on tiptoes and stares at Adam, nose to nose*

Adam: *blinks*

'song: "Ha! I win."

Adam: "See? Nothing wrong with your stare-ability*

'song: *victory dance*

'song: *falls over, arms pinwheeling, barely able to maintain balance*

Adam: "I did believe you, you know. You didn't have to demonstrate."

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