Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong (shadesong) wrote,
Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong

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Me as a girl

Outside my house, with Elayna; we are cracking ourselves/each other up saying "Owiesch!" and "Ham Jenga!"

And two birds requests with one stone: me in a skirt and a recent pic of Elayna.
Tags: pictures

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  • At Wiscon...

    ...if you perch upon the lap of a csecooney, she will write on you. "There is salt in this flesh", that says. Cooney! However did you…

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    Pics of her from Explo are hitting Facebook. Hee. So beautiful. So silly. And this looks like it ought to be their album cover. (He's a…

  • Friday!

    Administration Happy early birthday to gumboeditor, who advances a year this weekend! Hello to new readers alanka and…