Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong (shadesong) wrote,
Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong

  • Mood:


Kid slumber party =

"spa treatments" +
3 kajillion repetitions of "ohmygaaaaahd" +
up. all. night. +
slinkies down the stairs +
3 girls belting out the entire soundtrack of "High School Musical" +
a pizza, a dozen juiceboxes, and, surprisingly, only 4 1/2 Krispy Kremes +
Clue and Matilda +
so much more!

Kid slumber party for parents = assault on Mount AdamLaundry = discovery of shirt in icon! Which has been missing for a year and a month.

The ladies are playing in the backyard. Adam is reading the paper. I am trying to decide what I want for breakfast.


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