Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong (shadesong) wrote,
Magical Truthsaying Bastard Shadesong

Happy Thursday!

Happy birthday to my beloved yendi! :)

Happy early birthday to the following people, who all advance a year over the weekend: cissa, cloakofwinter, drakkar, feedle, subtle_shadow, and yakavenger!

Hello to new readers katiataylor, padmaclynne, and rauook!

I gave him the new Y: The Last Man trade paperback and Futurama: Season 2. Sethra Lavode by Steven Brust is on its way. :)

And my parents, for once, rocked - they bought him the DVDs that had been stolen. :)

volta, I didn't give him your gifts, of course...

13 hours, 14 minutes til volta gets here. :)

Today is my Friday.
So I'm going to do my Friday three today. You are encouraged to play along at home.

Tangent - wouldn't "Bonus Round" be a good band name? Has anyone taken that one yet? This merits research.

Short-sleeved black t-shirt - and a long crinkly broomstick skirt, all patchworky-different-colors, but mostly reds. Yes, I do occasionally wear skirts. Garnet earrings. My panties say "honey sweet", and my socks have skinny cows on them.

At lunch - wedding magazines! At home - Seized, by Eve LaPlante, and Emerald Magic, and anthology of Irish fantasy.

At lunchtime - a trip to the Women's Center, if dark_blade is up to it, and a visit to the Carlos Museum to see if it fits my requirements for a wedding & reception site. Tonight, just hanging out with my guys and my kid; rest of the weekend, Fantasm, except for the Great Big Sea concert tomorrow night!


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